Og her kommer beskrivelse og sneak peaks :-)
Think Positive Today:

There a times in each of our lifes, where it is hard to keep up the positive attitude. Let's get creative and use the time to look at the bright side of life. In this Tattered Angels class with Nathalie Kalbach you will create a mini album with cheerful Tattered Angels' Paintmedia Colors and Pink Paislee Papers and embellishments. Using an easy book binding technique you will also learn how to use Tattered Angels Products on different surfaces. At the end of this class you will hold a wonderful little Scrap Journal in your hand which can be filled later with thoughts and photos and can serve as a nice encouragment for rainy days.
Let's have a party, a soiree, a celebration- let's celebrate life - let's celebrate us. Do you have a hard time scrapping yourself - using a photo that shows you laughing, smiling and happy? It's time to use those photos - it is time! In this Tattered Angels class with Nathalie Kalbach you will create a layout with cheerful Tattered Angels' Paintmedia Colors and Pink Paislee Papers and embellishments. You will learn how to use the Tattered Angels Products in many different ways to add a special and personal touch to your layout. Whether you are a messy scrapper like Nat or a simple scrapper- those techniques suit all styles and can easily be used in future projects. Come and join the Celebration!
De som deltar på disse kursene vil være de aller første til å få kose seg med Pink Paislees nyeste papirer - før de kommer i butikken!
Kan vi begynne å melde oss på?
SvarSlettDere må dessverre vente til alle kursene er klar - men vi lover at det blir innen kort tid :-)
SvarSletthva blir prisene på de diverse kursene?
SvarSlettWish I was closer to take you class :) You rock.
SvarSlettWish I was going to be there ;)