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1 - 3 kurs: kr. 400,- pr. kurs
4 - 6 kurs: kr. 350,- pr. kurs
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Most of the time adhesive hides behind your pictures... but what if YOU could use it as an art medium and make it work for you? In this class Liz will share some fun artistic techniques teaching you how to "Wear your Adhesive on the Outside" with products by SCRAPBOOK ADHESIVE BY 3L. Liz has created some fun technique to share with students how to get the most bang for their buck out of their product. This class will shares some fun artistic ways to get your product to do more than it's intended purposes. So if you love art... why not learn how to make your Adhesive work for you!
Kurs 2 Lørdag kl. 09.30 - 11.00

Kurs 3 Lørdag kl. 11.30 - 13.00
Home for the Holidays: A Holiday themed Booklet
Carolyn Peeler
This book is perfect for scrapbooking a treasured holiday photo or two, or even to use as a special gift for a parent or grandparent! We will make a mini booklet using 2 pages from the Melissa Frances envelope and tag book as our base along with some beautiful Home for the Holidays and Enchanted Christmas papers and embellishments. This class also features some great embossing, inking, and glittery techniques. (Ever wonder how to use the Melissa Frances mica? This is your chance to try it out!) In addition to the Melissa Frances products, this workshop will use some awesome American Crafts, Ranger Ink, Stampers Anonymous and My little Shoebox products.
Kurs 4 Kl. 14.00 - 16.00
Glimmer Mist and Beyond! Liz Hicks
Join Liz as she shares the basics of Glimmer Mist, as well as introduces Tattered Angels brand new Art mediums to you. This class is jammed pack full of information pertaining to all things Tattered Angels. In this class, Liz will share with you the basic properties of Tattered Angels new system of Art mediums, as well as some fun techniques utilizing all mediums together. This class will create a small techniques album that can be used as a reference guide or later on adapted to mini album if decided by the student. This is a fun class full of techniques that you won't want to miss!
Kurs 5 Lørdag kl. 16.30 - 18.30
Mastering Collage: Creating vintage infused collages
Carolyn Peeler
In this fun, informative class we will explore ways to create fabulous vintage-styled collages. Using the beautiful Melissa Frances papers and embellishments as our base, we will explore the Claudine Hellmuth Studio Paints line of paints and mediums by Ranger while learning how to design incredible backgrounds. While the class will focus more heavily on technique than a specific project, I anticipate that each student will be able to finish at least one collage. (Special workshop bonus: Each student will receive one of Carolyn's popular Vintage paper packs containing ledger paper from the 1880s, vintage book pages and a genuine antique photo postcard.)
Kurs 6 Søndag kl. 11.00 - 12.30
Et teknikk kurs ala Connie

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