Nathalie Kalbach
Natalie er en ettertraktet kursholder verden over og vi er kjempeglade for at hun klarte å skvise Papirfesten inn i et travelt program. Bare 4 dager etter at hun kommer hjem fra Papirfesten drar hun til Hellas for å holde kurs, og like etter det drar hun Australia for å holde kurs der.
Her kommer litt mer informasjon om Natalie:
Nathalie Kalbach is a Mixed Media Artist and Scrapbooker living with her American husband in the second biggest city of Germany, Hamburg. Living in the heart of the city in a neighborhood thriving with art & craft, she gets inspired by her urban surroundings. Nat loves to design, teach and write – doing all of it wholeheartedly. She has her own column with Somerset Memories (Stampington) called “Nathalie’s Studio” and also writes for the German Scrapbooking Print Magazine “ScrapArtZine”.
Nat designs for Tattered Angels and Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L.
She is a certified Educator and Golden Ambassador for Tattered Angels. She teaches Creative Workshops in several different countries in Europe, Israel and in the United States as well as online for and soon in Australia.
Nathalie's style and classes are fresh and unique, she loves to interact with her students and showing them the techniques and experiences she has learned, while pushing them in a subtle way to add their own creative kick to the projects.
Nathalie has been published in several magazines and idea books including Somerset Memories, Somerset Home, Somerset Studio, Scrapbook Trends, Simple Scrapbooking and ScrapArtZine. She just recently released her own Paper, Stamp and Transparency Line eMOTions with the French Manufacturer Sultane.
Nathalie is absolutley thrilled to come to Norway and get to know you all.
I bloggen til Natalie kan du se alt det spennende hun lager.
Nat’s Blog:
Nathalie skal holde 2 kurs på papirfesten, mer informasjon om disse kursene kommer på fredag :-)